A downloadable game

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This is a collection of 100 different events and encounters that characters could have whilst travelling through snow and icebound regions. Some of the encounters are most suited to polar regions and those lands nearest to them, others could be located in snowy mountains or perhaps simply during a heavy winter. Some of the encounters are odd and some are potentially hazardous. They can be used to enliven otherwise boring travel, or perhaps even be a source of adventure hooks.

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Here are some sample results:

Carved from a huge block of ice is a statue of a man in armour. The statue is 20' tall and appears to have only recently been made as it lacks any signs of melting.

Clouds appear on the horizon and rapidly approach the party. When they arrive, the wrap the characters in a howling blizzard. Visibility drops to almost nothing and only by touch can other characters and creatures be found. The blizzard will dump several feet of snow whilst it lasts and quickly making shelter is advisable (characters caught out in the blizzard will quickly get lost and may start suffering from frostbite).

Cracking noises come from an ice-covered river. The ice on top of the river starts breaking apart and the river starts flowing freely once more.

The supplement is for use with Barbaric! and has 12 pages with being the front cover, one the front matter, most of one is ads and one the Open Game License. See the video to the right for a preview.


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In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1.25 USD. You will get access to the following files:

100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Barbaric!) Layered PDF 1.2 MB

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